Federico Caria. EsR 12. User requirements
Hi all,
I am Federico, from Rome. I have just started my DiXiT fellow job at the Digilab, University of Rome La Sapienza, under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Ciotti.
My background is in linguistics, history of the book and new media. I graduated in 2010 with an experimental thesis on the use of computers to disseminate and preserve heritage, in particular, texts. Over the years, I have gained experience work and research at various institutions and companies between the US and Europe.
In this project, I will be focusing on digital publishing from the point of view of users.
The approach is systematic testing. I will adapt existing methods to the evaluation of digital editions, conduct user testing and publish results. One of our case studies is Ecdosis, a promising open source platform, designed to make and showcase digital editions.
Starting from here I will explore how users interact with digital texts and suggest solutions to improve performance. I hope that my research will be useful for ecdosis and future projects that seek solutions to improve human interaction with digital texts, books and collections.
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caria (May 18, 2014). Federico Caria. EsR 12. User requirements. DiXiT. Retrieved September 19, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/ns2q